Back To School

As we begin the transition from holiday break back to our normal school routines, it is important to remember how big this shift is for our kiddos! In order to help ease the transition from the (let’s face it…) free-for-all back to the regular schedule, there are steps we can take to prepare the children for what to expect!

Back To School

#1. Talk About It!:

  • Begin to remind children that school will be starting
  • Reminders can start the week, day, and night before
  • Go over morning routine
  • Use memories to help you explain (especially for transitions)

*(ex. “Remember that we’re going back to school tomorrow when we wake up! First we will put on our clothes, then we will eat breakfast, then we will brush our teeth, then we will put on our shoes! Remember when you couldn’t find your shoes before school? We should make sure to leave them by the door for tomorrow!”)*

Back To School

#2. Visual Schedule

  • A visual schedule can be beneficial for some kiddos, especially when using real pictures to help visualize exactly what to expect
  • Illustrated images or words can also be used
  • Create your schedule together to reinforce participation

The following are some examples of visual schedules that you can implement with your child, but creating a schedule together on a piece of paper can be just as helpful!

Back To School

#3. Timers

  • A timer is another visual technique that can be used for smaller tasks or transitions.
  • Visual timers allows kiddos to see how much time is remaining so they are not surprised when the timer goes off.
  • Timers can help your child develop independent time management skills and maintain autonomy during daily routines.

The following is an example of a free visual timer app that hatches cute animals at the end for some extra motivation!

Little Timer Hatch Countdown

Back To School

#4. Sleep

  • Sleep schedule is super important, especially during the first few weeks back to school.
  • Changes in routine can be dysregulating.
  • Schedule bedtime 10-15 minutes earlier than normal to give a little extra time to calm the child’s body in order to maintain quality of sleep.
  • Try to keep a consistent schedule throughout the week, including weekends!
Back To School

#5. Patience

  • Remember to schedule a little extra time for normal routines/
  • Your child may take 5-10 minutes longer (or more!) to complete familiar tasks.
  • Allowing for extra time can help ease frustrations for both you and your child and help to avoid running late!
  • Try to keep a consistent schedule throughout the week, including weekends!
Back To School
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